Properly Time Your Direct Mail Campaigns for the Best Results

Why proper timing is important for direct mail campaigns.

Direct mail marketing has been used for many years as a way for businesses to advertise their products and services at a reasonable cost to their marketing budgets. These days, most astute companies have turned to advanced digital printing techniques that have taken direct mail to a whole new level.

Like with other marketing techniques, direct mail campaigns are often about proper timing. To help you get the most out of the mailing services you can employ as part of your marketing strategy, let’s explore how to properly time your campaigns to achieve the best results.


Big Changes to Your Company

If your company has gone through any big changes recently, such as a merger or a switch in focus, you can get a lot of that across with a direct mail campaign. Just keep in mind that certain changes might not be of interest to existing or potential customers. So, the best strategy is to find a way to tie in these changes with one of your products or services.


Creation of a New Logo or Mascot

Direct mail campaigns are perfect for the announcement of a new logo or mascot, especially if you’re using shaped printing as part of that announcement. Logos are always influential because they’ll immediately identify your company and its overall brand. As for mascots, these have proven to take many businesses to another level. Create an adorable critter for your brand and people will really pay attention!


Before a New Product Launch

Telling your customers about an upcoming product launch is one of the best uses for direct mail. Doing this in advance will help build hype while also giving you the opportunity to tell everyone what it’s all about. Just make sure that you’ve also included information about this upcoming product on your website so that people will have a place to go to find further information.


Launch a Direct mail Campaign After a New Product Launch

Once you’ve used direct marketing to build excitement for an upcoming product, you need to have a follow-up plan to inform customers that it’s been released. The trick here is to differentiate your initial announcement from the new one. You can do this by either creating a brand new custom printing opportunity or by taking the original design and building upon it in a creative way.


Partnership with Another Entity

Whether you just partnered with another company or would like to announce your upcoming plans for the partnership, direct mail is a great way to let people know how excited you are. To make the announcement even more exciting, work with a creative team that will incorporate custom printing services that have been proven effective. You can even integrate elements of each company to create the best shapes for the direct mail used in your marketing campaign!


Celebration of a Big Holiday

Holidays are an important time for businesses, so you always want to capitalize on them every year. Perhaps you’re having some type of holiday sale or maybe some of the products or services that you offer can be connected to certain holidays. Regardless of the reason, you want to create a well-designed direct mailing that will get your point across.


Announcing an Upcoming Event Through a Direct Mail Campaign

If you’re like most businesses, you take part in numerous events every year, whether it’s a huge online sale, charity event, or something else that helps get your customers excited. Whatever it is, make sure that each piece of direct mail you send out immediately jumps out. Put the most pertinent details on the front, such as the date and time, and then more minute details can be placed inside or on the back.


Contact ThinkShapes Mail for Incredible Direct Mail Campaigns

The design experts at ThinkShapes Mail will devise a direct mail campaign that will help you stand out in a crowd and get attention. Reach out to us at (813) 885-2225 to get started!