The Advantages of Every Door Direct Mail Services

What is every door direct mail and is it an effective strategy for marketing your business or products?

Over the years, a variety of mailing services have been created with the sole purpose of helping businesses advertise in the most effective and convenient ways possible. When utilized properly, this allows companies to extend their marketing reach to those who will most likely benefit from their products and services.

Every Door Direct Mail is one such service. Developed as an easy-to-use marketing strategy, EDDM is used as a necessary step for many businesses as they attempt to grow and expand their brand. Today, we’re going to look at the advantages of using this type of direct mail marketing campaign and conjunction with digital printing techniques.

Targeted Mailing to Local Communities

Advertising to local communities has always been an important part of promoting a company’s brand. Even if your business provides products and services nationwide, concentrating on your local community can endear you to anyone who may be interested in what you’re offering. Every Door Direct Mail allows you to target your local community by providing your materials to every mailbox within a designated area per zip code or specified radius around a given address. Specific postal carrier routes are chosen on a USPS mapping tool.

Postage Permit Isn’t Required

When you normally conduct mass mailings through the United States Postal Service, you’re required to purchase an annual postage permit. For many small businesses, this is an extra expenditure they can’t afford or simply isn’t worth the money based on the number of mailings that they do each year. With EDDM, there is no permit required despite normal mailings consisting of between 200 and 5000 pieces.

No Names or Addresses

There are firms whose sole purpose is to collect and categorize both local and non-local consumers and then sell those lists to various businesses. This adds yet another expense to each marketing campaign. Every Door Direct Mail, however, doesn’t require names and addresses for the purposes of mailing your content. Instead, each mailer is labeled as “Local Postal Customer.”

Flexible Sizes and Messaging

Every Door Direct Mail is perfect for many different types of marketing campaigns, whether you’re advertising your company, announcing an event, providing a discount, or one of several other options. Many businesses decide to keep it simple by choosing standard postcards, over sized postcards, or tri-fold menus. All of these have plenty of room for the message you want to convey.

Simple Yet Attractively Designed

Although options like shaped printing may not work with Every Door Direct Mail, these affordable mailers allow you to create attractive designs that will spark a recipient’s interest. In addition to the availability of different sizes, as noted above, you also have various formats to choose from such as calendars, maps, and other advertising materials. When developed by a creative design team, these simple mailers will draw attention.

Separate from Mass Mailings

Mass mailings do a great job of filling up our mailboxes, but many companies fear them as a part of their marketing strategy because they’re afraid of getting lost in the shuffle. Every Door Direct Mail will fix this problem by keeping these particular mailers separate from mass mailings. This is accomplished with the use of a specialized EDDM permit that keeps them apart.


A big reason why so many businesses turn to Every Door Direct Mail as a regular part of their marketing strategy is because it’s extremely cost-effective yet not very limiting. You can employ custom printing services that will help each mailer stand out but delivering them won’t cost you an arm and a leg. You can track the results of each campaign with a coupon or discount code.

Contact ThinkShapes Mail for Your Next Direct Mail Campaign

Every Door Direct Mail is a convenient and cost-effective way to advertise your company’s products or services. a mailer meets the required standards and will catch a recipient’s eye. Contact our design team at (813) 885-2225 to learn more about our services or to get started today with a no-cost consultation today!