Direct Mailer Ideas for Your Business

Unique direct mailer ideas that will get a response from your intended audience.

In recent years, direct mail marketing has evolved dramatically from the simple concept that was so successful back in the day. Marketers have evolved from run-of-the-mill formats and their laser focus is on more creative ideas for mailers to engage their audience and not just be tossed aside with junk mail. Statistics show that less than half of direct mail recipients actually read their mail and it goes directly into the nearest garbage can. The numbers show that you only have about eight seconds to get a potential reader’s attention as they scan through their mail. That certainly calls for an eye-catching, flashy, and original design!

To ensure your message stands out in your target audience’s mailbox, your direct mailers need to have a creative edge that exceeds what anyone else is doing. This is the main advantage of die-cut and custom shaped mail! The best part of this mailer option is that each of your messages can be custom-tailored in a unique and personalized format that will capture your ideal reader’s attention and allow your message to resonate with their specific needs. Finding a cutting edge way to outsmart your competitors and be truly original with your branding is one of today’s top trends in marketing!

This data shows the importance of personalizing direct mailers and the diverse way to engage your audience into converted customers! Here are just a few awesome direct mailer ideas that can help strengthen your position in the market:


Add Personality to Your Marketing with Die-Cut Mail

Die-cut or shaped mail is a direct mailer format that allows you to tune the shape of your mail in line with your products or brand. This direct mailer idea gets deep into the psyche of your audience. A roofing company, for instance, could use a house-shaped postcard. Or a university could use the shape of their beloved mascot. A dentist could use a tooth shape…you get the idea.

Your die-cut direct mailer ideas could be as minimalistic or sophisticated as you desire. Be sure to choose a direction that will enable you to outperform your competitors’ direct mailer ideas and catch the eye of your customers. It might be something as simple as rounding off the corners of your cards or creating an illustrative 3D mail piece.

The cost of printing and mailing shaped pieces could be a little higher than average, but it is often worth it in the end. Die-cuts are attention-grabbing and have a lasting impression.


Provide Valuable Information

Brands that educate their customer base often stand out as experts in the field and answer questions that consumers are usually searching on Google for. Subsequently, that builds trust and customer loyalty as they peg you for a knowledgeable source to keep going back to. Larger brands have been known to effectively utilize direct mailers to educate their audience and explain their services throughout their years of operation. Strategic and unique mailers are highly persuasive because they appeal to the creative side of your target audience.

When marketing for roofing companies, the mail pieces could entail a short bullet point guide on how to fix a leaky gutter or clean the roof after a storm. Your customers will look forward to receiving your mail because it provides an educational value that they otherwise wouldn’t have been privy to and teaches them something new. This tends to have a customer interested in learning more and going online to your website for more information, thus creating the cycle of a marketing strategy!


Consider Using a Handwritten Font

Another important aspect of your business’ brand is creating a well-known signature/sign off and incorporating this into different marketing ventures. A useful tip would be choosing an employee with the best penmanship, have them write in their hand, and input that alphabet into a program for creating custom fonts. You can then use high-tech digital printing to produce your unique font marketing materials in high resolution for a branding edge against your competitors.


Leverage Seasons and Special Holidays

Whatever direct mailer ideas you choose to experiment with, ensure that your message is rightly timed and ready for delivery before a specific holiday or seasonal event. For instance, sending gift cards and coupons on your customer’s birthdays or special celebrations will result in a higher response rate and show a loyalty factor that customers retain in their business relationships.

Your marketing efforts can benefit from mail and fulfillment services to accomplish these unique mailer strategies. ThinkShapes direct mail service sends out the marketing pieces you’ve created to your clients after printing with our state-of-the-art equipment. Our direct mailer services are systematic and completed efficiently to keep you on target with your campaign. We strive to help reduce your postage rates as well with each order!


Contact ThinkShapes Mail for More Direct Mailer Ideas and Services

ThinkShapes Mail is here to help you send messages that will resonate with your recipients and grow your customer base. Contact us at 800.889.4406 for more information about new and innovative direct mailer ideas for your upcoming mail campaigns and shaped printing designs!