Tips for Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns for the Holidays

Tips for holiday direct mail marketing campaigns this season!

The holiday season is a celebration period, characterized by shopping, gift-giving, festivities, travel, and so on. Consumers are keen to take advantage of deals associated with Black Friday up to New Years’ eve. Everyone wants to grab the best offers and discounts.

For business owners, it’s the perfect time to run holiday marketing campaigns to reach motivated buyers. With the anticipation for greeting cards and gifts, people pay more attention to their mail during the holiday season more than other times of the year. Direct mail marketing, therefore, is an excellent way of reaching out to customers in this period.

So, how do you craft a striking holiday mail to rise above your prospect’s junk mail? There isn’t an ultimate solution, but you can employ the following tips to increase the open rates of your marketing pieces this season.

Make Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns Festive

Regardless of what you’re offering, your holiday mail should have a festive touch. Many businesses will bombard prospective buyers with coupons and catalogs, and you’ll want your direct mail pieces to stand out from the crowd. Introduce a seasonal flare and let the customers see your more easygoing side.

Why not customize a postcard using shaped printing? Colorful copies in custom paper sizes and styles will undoubtedly strike the eyes of the audience. Remember to greet the addressee and make your message fun and straight to the point. Most people won’t have the patience to go through a booklet when they have tens of mails and gifts to open.

Make It Memorable

Hire a professional direct mail marketing company to design visually appealing marketing pieces using futuristic digital printing technology. A blend of contrasting colors and textured paper will give your target group a reason to be attentive.

Get a notch high by adding scent and taste to your postcard. For instance, you can include a pack of spices or a small piece of candy in your holiday mail. Alternatively, you can embed a scratch and sniff sticker to the mail materials.

If you go this direction, enclose all food items or spices in a clean, clearly labeled protective packages. Choose healthy candy varieties and consider potential allergies.

Use Retention Lists

Retention (house) lists are data about customers who have purchased from you in the past. If someone ever bought from you and liked the experience, they’ll probably have no problem doing business with you again. Remind them that you’re still selling and you have some holiday offers.

If you specialize in products and services specific to a given location or category of consumers, house lists will work for you. Establishing your direct mail marketing campaign on retention lists enables you to zero down prospects who are most likely to respond.

For instance, roofing companies and contractors operate in particular regions. With a list of homeowners in your area, you can introduce new real estate trends with a targeted roofing marketing campaign.

Stay Offer-Focused

Holiday mail stands a higher chance of being read than letters sent during other periods of the year. The volume of direct mail received by consumers soars dramatically in the fourth quarter. For this reason, the audience must get your core message at the point of sorting their letters.

Use conspicuous headers that convey your offer in a nutshell. Even if the reader doesn’t delve into the copy, they’ll have an idea of what you’re trying to communicate. Motivated buyers will read further and buy your products if they like your bargains.

Integrate Holiday Mail with Email

Savvy marketers use omnichannel marketing strategies to make the most of all opportunities. You can make your direct marketing campaign more impactful by following up on your prospects with emails. Introducing your brand multiple times to the same target group increases the chances of them making a purchase.

Reward Loyal Customers

Holidays give people a golden chance to appreciate those they adore with gifts. Why not reward your loyal customers and show how much you value them? Making your clients feel cherished is a fantastic way of keeping them coming back.

Although it might feel like a waste of money, retaining existing customers isn’t as demanding as converting new ones. Send personalized offers like percentage discounts via direct mail marketing campaigns, and the clients might consider your store for their holiday shopping. You can even send a Thanksgiving card to show your gratitude without being salesy.

Keep Going After the Holiday Shopping

Holidays are great opportunities for earning a name for your brand by incentivizing offers. However, the end of the festive season doesn’t mean an end to shopping. Take advantage of the late vacation-takers as other businesses withdraw. Extending your holiday marketing campaigns allows you to enjoy the shopping rush weeks after the season.

Work with Direct Mail Experts

ThinkShapes can steer intelligent holiday marketing for your business with digital printing, personalization, and mailing lists to reach motivated buyers. We can help with the design of your marketing pieces through to the postage of the copies to respective targets.

Would you like fruitful holiday direct mail marketing campaigns for your company? Contact us today!