How Custom Shaped Printing Can Help You Achieve Your Marketing Goals

Improve and achieve your marketing goals with custom shaped mailers.

Hard Facts

Successful businesses all have one thing in common- the unyielding need for constant growth multiplied by the perpetual struggle to turn leads into actual paying customers. This essential fact is why marketing departments exist, and the development of these strategic marketing goals provides the challenge they thrive on!

All About the Brands

Five minutes of even the most mundane marketing seminar will clue even the uneducated in on how brand visibility is one of the most timeless methods for attracting new leads and/or customers. The unavoidable reality of this statement is why you passed 373 billboards on your fifteen-minute commute this morning. It’s also why commercials have driven everyone under the age of thirty-five to Netflix and is the one and only reason newspapers still exist.

This prevalence of ads could very well be the main reason why Facebook isn’t the cool, hip place it once was…well that and the fact that someone thought it would be a great idea to sign your Uncle Charles up and now you have to spend a not-insignificant amount of time apologizing to friends and relatives for the stuff he posts.

Advantage of Advances

Brand awareness remains the key to the overall success and health of your business, and few methods have proven as cost-effective and results-oriented as those made possible by custom printing services. These giant leaps forward in digital printing technology have now made it possible to produce absolutely stunning, custom printing designs for direct mail marketing campaigns and have also made the generation of these modern pieces of art more affordable than ever.

From handouts shaped like horned owls, to business cards in the guise of Thor’s hammer, shaped printing is proven to increase overall interest and drive response rates up by as much as 300%!

How’s that for achieving a marketing goal?!

Custom printing and Customized Market Mail (CMM) give you the opportunity to step outside the limitations of the square space and inject some excitement and personality into your marketing materials. Not only are these materials more fun, but they are also far more likely to stay out of the trash bin and stop passersby in his or her tracks. Throw a customer appreciation event with invitations shaped like the menu items! Host an employee event for the big game with and bring each team insignia to life!

If you happen to be a burgeoning business who doesn’t yet have a fully-staffed marketing department to handle this complicated task for you, (or if you happen to be the business owner, salesperson, marketing, and shipping departments) don’t worry. Most qualified online vendors employ a user-friendly setup and have their own staff on standby to help get you started.

Contact ThinkShapes Mail for Custom Printing Solutions

If all of this has you convinced to incorporate shaped printing to help you achieve your marketing goals, contact ThinkShapes Mail today! With over thirty years of printing industry experience, ThinkShapes Mail would love the opportunity to be your partner. From shaped printing to postcards, the staff at ThinkShapes Mail carries an unwavering focus on quality and utilizes state of the art equipment. We are able to deliver high-quality solutions in any quantity and can print on demand so that you don’t have to store unneeded numbers of pamphlets in warehouse space you don’t have.

Don’t hesitate, contact us today for printing solutions guaranteed to make your brand stand out from the crowd. If you need assistance coming up with unique ways to meet your marketing goals, contact our staff today!