Roofing Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][media animation=”none” image=”1407″][block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”inline_border” title=”Whether delivered by hand or in the mailbox, shaped printing commands attention.”][/block_title][vc_column_text]As a roofing contractor, you need a steady flow of leads to maintain a stream of income all year round. Therefore, your roofing marketing strategy should include an arsenal of intelligent promotional methods that work.

ThinkShapes will help you to claim your market share with customized direct mailers, one of the most effective methods of roofing company marketing. Studies by the Direct Mail Association (DMA) show that 70 percent of consumers in the United States have, at some point, purchased something after reading a direct mail.

Customization with Die-Cut and Shaped Printing

Here’s the catch – will your target audience read your marketing copy? Will they notice your piece in the mailbox? With ThinkShapes Mail, you’re covered. We are shaped printing specialists experienced in producing uniquely shaped postcards with high read and response rates.

ThinkShapes Mail encourages you to be as creative as possible! Once we come up with an image, we use high-quality production equipment to produce beautiful mail pieces.

ThinkShapes Mail can take your roofing marketing campaign high a notch by personalizing every copy to the addressee, making the pieces more relevant. We can address customers by their names and even reference nearby projects you’ve recently completed!

Full-Service Direct Mail Program

ThinkShapes Mail makes it easy for your roof marketing direct mail to reach the right prospects. Our team can obtain direct mail lists to target areas of town you want to reach…perhaps those areas where you recently completed a project. Next, we’ll work with you to create a unique mailer and content for a mail piece. Or if you have a designer you work with already, it’s no problem…we’ll lend a hand when needed.

Finally, we’ll produce and mail your pieces, synchronizing the mail schedule with your current production capacity and other roofing marketing efforts.
Not only do we do shaped mail, we have other direct mail tools in our arsenal to help you. They include:

  • Regular Postcards: If you want it simple, we will print and send regular postcards to targeted direct mail lists.
  • Trail edge Die-Cut Mail (TED): Our die-cut postcards meet USPS guidelines allowing your mail to stand out while enjoying low postage rates.
  • Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): ThinkShapes Mail helps you to select the right neighborhoods, produces the mail, and gets it to the correct post office locations.
  • Custom Envelopes: Our team will fold your copies professionally and insert them into envelopes customized or personalized to your needs.

[/vc_column_text][block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”inline_border” title=”Shaped direct mail, also called Customized Market Mail, is the vehicle of choice for savvy marketers.”][/block_title][vc_column_text]

Maximize Your Options with ThinkShapes Mail

ThinkShapes Mail enhances your roofing contractor marketing campaigns with a variety of printed promotional pieces, including business cards, catalogs, brochures, postcards, flyers, and more.
We shape your direct mail to integrate seamlessly with your other roofing marketing campaigns.

Enjoy Quick Turnaround and Results

ThinkShapes Mail is your perfect roofing contractor marketing partner.

You’ll be surprised at how fast and efficient ThinkShapes Mail is at managing your direct mail program. Your success is our main goal. As you make more profit, we gain another loyal customer!

Die-cut mail isn’t for residential roofing companies only. We’ll make it work for commercial roofers as well, targeting industries or geographical areas that fit your business model.

Shaped mail postage and production is more affordable than you think. It may cost a little more than a standard postcard, but the return on investment is well worth it with just one new contract!

Call or email ThinkShapes Mail today to get started!
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